Administrative Initiatives
Temple administration and student government are too often disconnected and unknown by the majority of the student body. ReimagineTU will bring together student organizations to understand their needs better and work to improve outreach to the student body that their government is made to represent.

To provoke more engagement in what TSG is doing, a bi-weekly podcast would be made available to anyone wishing to tune in a variety of different platforms (Tiktok, Instagram, and email). This would promote the community to also leave questions, comments, and concerns in an anonymous forum that TSG can address during said podcast. The podcast would also be recorded visiting various local businesses, reviewing top item menus. Click to learn more about ReimagineTU's plan.
Student organization leadership on campus know better than anyone how to improve the system they are a a part of. This roundtable would be a meeting consisting of representatives from student organizations to discuss ways to improve Student Activities and maximize the capacity for student organizations to effect change over a complimentary meal. Click to learn more about ReimagineTU's plan.

Currently, the Office of Student Activities is required to treat all student organizations exactly the same, giving them the same privileges; this setup makes sense in theory, however, when social justice organizations and clubs dedicated to leisure activities are equated, problems arise. Click to learn more about how ReimagineTU plans to resolve these issues.
Student organizations are required to have certain officer positions elected prior to begining operations. ReimagineTU plans to mandate an "Accessibility Officer" position for student organizations. Having an accessibility representative to coordinate accommodations for meetings and events is one way to enhance engagement for all students. Click to learn more about how ReimagineTU plans to implement this policy.